From the 25th february to the 1st march a GREAT and AMAZING week is waiting for us: the CLIL week! CLIL means CONTENT and LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING: it’s a special and fun way to learn any subjects (like history, science, art, music…), speaking English all the time!
During the week you’ll have: games, storytelling, shows, history and maths lessons and many surprises! The best surprise will be the presence of a REAL ENGLISH (or AMERICAN) TEACHER: he can really speak JUST English!!
You can also offer a surprise to all the kids in the school, if you like…
Why don’t you invite the students to the cinema (as we did with “The red baloon?). You can organize the cinema during the break, after lunch. What do you think about it?
For the movie, it’s better to choose a short and very simple one, like (it’s just an example) an episode of Wallace and Gromit. Try to watch it and tell me what is your opinion about.;)
Dear teacher, I don’t speak english well, then I wish you’ll traslate all your phrases in italian or others languages I can undersand.
Thank you so much,
Andrew the Master
I disagree! I think your English was fantastic.
Hi Sara!
I want that this is the week when we speak only English!
But I don’t like maths in English!
I can’t wait!
We’ll speak JUST English! I promise!;)
Hello Sara, for me it is a good idea to speak english for a week.
It is fun! I can play with my friends and learn english.
Thanks Paul.
Very good Paul! You speak already a great English!:)
Hello Sara
It’ s a very good idea .
we can speak.
English all the time a real English teacher.
Godbay a tomorrw
Hello Franci! Yes! We can speak English from Monday to Friday!;)
I think that week will be a success!!!
For sure! If I’ll have the help of you all;)
Giacomo, the week is over. 🙁 Was CLIL week a success?
Hi Sara! I think that it’s a very good idea,for Learning english better!
See you soon!
Thank you Eva! See you tomorrow!
Hi Eva!
I think it was a great idea and I had a lot of fun this week!
Thank you for a wonderful time!
Hello sara
i love english and i have read the senteces
it’s a mondial idea and i like Japan other the Italy
it’s a very good idea for the school
Hi Dani, thanks for the message! Why do you like Japan?
I agree! Sara is very smart and kind for organising such a fantastic week!
Everyone needs to give her a big hug on Monday!
very well will be this text intrigued me so much
bye bye
Intrigued! What a nice simple past you found!! 🙂
Hello sara
Will be a beautiful enghlis week
It will be a super week! With a lot of fun too!;)
goodmorning Sara. I’m Irene, I can’t do math in English, but I try.
I can’t wait for it!!!
Maths in English will be fun!
Thank you very much and have a nice weekend too! See you on monday!!
Hello Thomas!
It was nice to meet you!
I will miss you and your big smile 🙂
On Monday God bay
sono io francesca
hello sara it’s very very good idea .
thank you for letting us spend an incredibile week full of emotions , games and fun,even with rowana , a wonderful person who made us learn some words in english
You wrote a great comment! EXCELLENT!!
Hi Noemi!
It was very nice to meet you!
I am happy that you have had a fun week! I hope you keep practising and having fun with English!
Hello Sara
it’s a good idea
it was a fantastic week! Rowanna is a fantastic person!!!
hi Sara!
I’m Nicolò unfortunately the clil week is finish, it was very funny and intresting.
i hope so that this initiative can repeat even in the next year, not only in the primary school but only in the secondary.
for me the idea of cinema is very beautiful and if you need help i’m avainable.
I liked very much the clil week.
I liked very very much to introduce the show puss in boots to the classes.
Hi Sara
I’m Cristiana i’m a very sorry because the clil week is finish,but i’m happy because is a very
funny and Rowanna is a fantastic.
Hi sara the week of english Was very interesting .rowanna taught us new things .with his cheerfulness, he loaded our days .thanks for this nice experience